Plans for a new Sporting Quarter at Ashton Gate have now been submitted to Bristol City Council.

The centrepiece of the proposals is a 4000-seater Sports and Convention Centre (SCC) which will see Bristol Flyers Basketball team join Bristol City and the Bristol Bears at BS3.
Ashton Gate Chairman, Martin Griffiths said: “We first unveiled these proposals in September 2018, and it has been a long road to get to this point. We wanted to make sure we had the best possible plan in place to deliver this next exciting phase of Ashton Gate’s redevelopment.
“Last autumn, and despite the difficulties presented by Covid, we launched another round of consultation over our proposals, along with the associated Longmoor housing development, we also held events with neighbours in February. We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback and comments.

“Based on the feedback received we have made significant improvements to the Sporting Quarter scheme. The tallest building has now been reduced by five storeys; community facilities have been increased with sports, fitness and well-being facilities added on the roof of the Sports and Convention Centre, plus the northern entrance (near Ashton Road) has been totally pedestrianised for non-matchdays.
“The linked proposals of the Sporting Quarter and Longmoor developments offer significant regeneration benefits. The highway and transport improvements, the delivery of much needed jobs, the critical need for additional housing and the economic growth that will come from building a world-class sporting and entertainment quarter here in South Bristol.”
The Sporting Quarter plans also include a multi-storey car park; hotel; gym; residential buildings; office space and improved Fan Village.

Griffiths added: “An outline planning application has simultaneously been submitted for housing on the Longmoor site to Bristol City Council and North Somerset Council. The site is located between Silbury Road, David Lloyd Leisure Centre, the Cala Trading Estate, the Long Ashton Park and Ride and the metrobus line.

“I would like to stress that the southern field next to the site will remain green and will not be built on. We will be working with councillors, residents and local wildlife organisations to enhance this space for the benefit of the wildlife and the community.
“It means that the Longmoor development will capture a biodiversity net gain with increased protection for habitats and fauna as well as improved connections for pedestrians and cyclists.”
With plans now submitted it is hoped that the proposals for the Sporting Quarter will go to a planning committee before the end of the year with a view to starting construction in 2022 with completion in 2024/5.
To view and comment on the planning application go to Bristol City Council’s planning portal here.
The application includes more than 200 reports and documents, the key ones include the design and access statement, planning statement and transport assessments.